We’re Cloudvisorians!
Come and meet us
Cloudvisor looks for personalities. We believe that potential, personality traits, cultural background, and mindset play way more important roles than work experience or professional competencies.
That is why, in case the person fits our culture but lacks experience, we would be happy to welcome him/her to the team because we make a match in our core.
To make our ‘core’ more transparent, we have identified the perfect profile for us – a true Cloudvisorian. Let’s meet him. By ‘him’, we address all the gender identities, reflecting equal respect towards each kind.
Who is he?
A Cloudvisorian doesn’t relate to a specific nationality, age, gender identity, sexual orientation, and other aspects that may lead to discrimination – instead, being a Cloudvisorian means having a certain mindset.

Core Values
Tell me about yourself…
A Cloudvisorian believes human life is precious and humanity is the best power – that is what keeps him caring about his teammates, customers and just people around.
Cloudvisorian knows that one person can achieve a lot. Yet, sometimes he just needs a bit more encouragement, support and help – in the end of the day, Harry Potter also didn’t win on his own. This belief also makes Cloudvisorian a good team player – he knows being smart is using team brain instead of trying to make things on his own. 🤝
He would also choose asking over assuming, suggesting over complaining, sticking to the goals instead of the paths.
He’s driven by the unknown and enthusiastic. He’s curious about new things and believes potential is the key, not the professional skills – this is something that can easily come with experience. 😊 This is also the reason why he would prefer to have a hands-on experience on things, trying to understand how these work and why, instead of theoretical knowledge.
What surrounds him?
He’s cool about the fast-changing environment he lives in. He trusts the senior people in his team and knows that, if changes are happening, it’s just another way of approaching things, but not the reason to start questioning himself or anything that he does. 🙌
He is also passionate about what he does, because he’s clear about the purpose of his role, the value he brings himself to the company development and happy with the environment and people he’s surrounded with. He is well aware of the personal boundaries. He would respect other people’s time, yet he also pays attention to own work-life balance.
He is genuinely interested about others, because this is how he can explore the world a bit more. That is why he would ask you about your opinion on things instead of how you approach certain tasks.
Are we a match?
Are you passionate about IT, appreciate the collaboration between motivated colleagues?
Are you a person who enjoys challenges and doesn’t mind failure or when things go wrong?
Do you like learning and are you willing to continuously improve yourself?
If you answered YES 3 times, then we would like to hear from you! 👇
Get to know our Cloudvisorians! 🚀