December 19, 2023

What is Amazon EKS?

Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) is a fully managed service that makes it easier for you to use Kubernetes on AWS without needing to install and operate your own Kubernetes control plane or nodes. It provides a scalable and secure environment for deploying, managing, and scaling containerized applications using Kubernetes.

Understanding Kubernetes and Amazon EKS

Kubernetes is an open-source platform designed to automate deploying, scaling, and operating application containers. With Amazon EKS, AWS takes care of the heavy lifting of managing Kubernetes, allowing you to focus on developing your applications.

Key Features of Amazon EKS

  1. Secure Networking and Authentication: Amazon EKS ensures secure networking for your Kubernetes workloads, integrating seamlessly with AWS networking and security services. It also leverages AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) for robust authentication.
  2. Easy Cluster Scaling: EKS allows for easy scaling of your Kubernetes clusters, adapting to the demands of your workloads. It supports horizontal Pod autoscaling based on CPU or custom metrics and cluster autoscaling.
  3. Managed Kubernetes Experience: Amazon EKS offers a managed Kubernetes experience, allowing changes to Kubernetes clusters through various tools like eksctl, AWS Management Console, AWS CLI, and more.
  4. High Availability: EKS provides high availability for your control plane across multiple Availability Zones, ensuring your applications are always running.
  5. Integration with AWS Services: EKS integrates with a wide range of AWS services, offering a comprehensive platform for deploying and managing containerized applications.

How Amazon EKS Works

Amazon EKS runs Kubernetes control plane instances across multiple Availability Zones to ensure high availability. It automatically detects and replaces unhealthy control plane instances and provides automated version upgrades and patching for them.

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    Use Cases for Amazon EKS

    Deploy Across Hybrid Environments

    Manage Kubernetes clusters and applications in hybrid environments, running Kubernetes in your data centers or in the cloud.

    Model Machine Learning Workflows

    Run distributed training jobs on Amazon EC2 instances and deploy training and inferences using Kubeflow.

    Build and Run Web Applications

    Create applications that scale automatically and run in a highly available configuration across multiple Availability Zones.

    Getting Started with Amazon EKS

    Starting with EKS involves creating a cluster, choosing your compute resources, setting up necessary controllers and services, deploying workloads, and managing them. AWS provides detailed documentation to guide you through this process.

    Pricing for Amazon EKS

    EKS pricing is based on the resources you use. The control plane may incur costs, and you can choose between EC2 or Fargate for your compute resources. AWS offers On-Demand Instances and Savings Plans to optimize costs.


    Amazon EKS simplifies the process of deploying, managing, and scaling applications on Kubernetes, making it an ideal choice for businesses looking to leverage the power of containerized applications. For a deeper dive into the capabilities and benefits of Amazon EKS, explore Cloudvisor’s guide on Amazon EKS.

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