G-works Migration Case Study

Nov 8, 2022

Harnessing the Power of the Cloud With Creative Expression

Maintainability, Scalability, and Cost Optimization Is Why G-Works Migrated Their Digital Solution to Amazon Web Services (AWS)

G-Works is a creative digital agency specializing in modern, user-oriented digital solutions. Visually impressive and creatively implemented websites, online stores, and custom systems are at the heart of what they do. In addition to website development, G-Works also offers customers maintenance and support services.

When G-Works decided to migrate to AWS, they needed a partner who could provide a solution that was cost-effective, easy to maintain, and scalable. G-Works chose Cloudvisor, an Advanced Tier AWS Partner, to migrate their digital solution from an on-premise environment to AWS because Cloudvisor possesses significant experience in AWS migration, and understands the complexity of adopting new cloud services towards an existing solution.

Why AWS?

Maintainability and scalability

G-Works required a scalable solution without the burden of infrastructure management. A container-based approach was followed – refactoring their application in Docker containers and, by doing so, making it cloud-native.

Docker containers managed by Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS) are provisioned with auto-scaling, automatically running G-Works’ application in multiple Availability Zones. This ensures the application has high availability, and reliability, and performs irrespective of the workload.

Some form of computing infrastructure is needed to run Docker containers with Amazon ECS. G-Works opted for AWS Fargate – a serverless compute engine that removes the operational burden of scaling, patching, securing, and managing servers.

To take full advantage of ECS and Fargate, G-Works needed to adopt an infrastructure-as-code (IaC) approach. IaC allows infrastructure changes to be initiated through a source control mechanism, Gitlab in G-Works’ case, and integrates it as an automated part of a CI/CD pipeline. Terraform scripts were the main component in creating the Gitlab CI/CD pipeline, resulting in automatic deployment for any changes made in the application code.

G-Works harnesses the power of AWS with Docker containers and IaC. Their developers can focus on building applications because creating new server resources is completely automated. They can deploy their application 10000+ times daily without any downtime.

Cost optimization

Dockerizing the application to run on a container instead of a virtual machine was the first step towards cost optimization. Docker containers do not require an entire guest operating system, they are lighter than virtual machines and require fewer resources.

AWS Fargate is another way G-Works optimized costs. Fargate scales the compute power to match G-work’s resource requirements closely. G-Works only pay for what they use; there is no over-provisioning and paying for additional servers.

One of the most significant cost savers for G-Works is automatic infrastructure management – there is no need to hire resources to maintain application infrastructure. On top of that, the solution is dynamic and can be reused in future migration projects of other digital solutions.

AWS Services Used

  • Amazon ECS
  • AWS Fargate
  • AWS Mysql RDS
  • AWS load balancer
  • AWS S3
  • AWS System manager parameter store

Why Do Over 500+ Startups Trust Cloudvisor?

At Cloudvisor, we have one simple goal: to help startups scale with AWS.

The Cloudvisor team has a unique combination of experience working with AWS, and also applying those solutions in a way that helps startups thrive. One half of Cloudvisor’s DNA is AWS, the other is startups.

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