AWS Global Accelerator: Enhance Your Application Performance

AWS Global Accelerator is a networking service provided by Amazon Web Services that improves the availability and performance of applications accessed by users worldwide. By leveraging the vast AWS global network, it directs user traffic to the most optimal endpoints, reducing internet latency and improving the connection speed.

What is AWS Global Accelerator?

AWS Global Accelerator is a networking service provided by Amazon Web Services designed to optimize the performance and availability of your applications for users worldwide. By leveraging the AWS global network, it directs user traffic to the most efficient endpoint, reducing internet latency and improving connection speed.
This service provides static Anycast IP addresses as a fixed entry point to your applications, simplifying DNS management and enhancing the user experience. AWS Global Accelerator is ideal for businesses looking to serve a global audience, offering improved application performance, increased availability, and robust security features. Whether deploying new applications or scaling existing ones, AWS Global Accelerator ensures your users enjoy a seamless and responsive experience, regardless of location.

Aws Global Accelerator
AWS Global Accelerator

How AWS Global Accelerator Works

AWS Global Accelerator is engineered to enhance the user experience by significantly improving the accessibility and efficiency of applications globally.

The Role of Anycast IP Addresses

At the core of AWS Global Accelerator’s design are two static Anycast IP addresses. These addresses serve as a consistent entry point to your applications, regardless of where your users are located. The use of Anycast IP addresses is a game-changer for DNS management. Traditionally, any modifications to your applications could need updates to DNS records, a process that can be both time-consuming and prone to errors. With AWS Global Accelerator, these concerns are mitigated. The static nature of the Anycast IP addresses means that they remain constant, eliminating the need for frequent DNS updates. This stability is crucial for maintaining seamless access to your applications enhancing user satisfaction and trust.

Optimized Path Selection

The journey of data across the internet is rarely straightforward. It often involves traversing multiple networks, each hop introducing potential delays and packet loss. AWS Global Accelerator transforms this journey, ensuring that user traffic is routed through the AWS global network. This network is meticulously designed for its high performance and reliability, boasting a vast infrastructure that spans the globe. By leveraging this network, Global Accelerator optimizes the path that traffic takes to reach your application. This optimization process is dynamic, constantly adjusting to find the most efficient route. The result significantly reduces packet loss, jitter, and latency, leading to a smoother and more responsive user experience.

Health Checks and Automatic Rerouting

A standout feature of AWS Global Accelerator is its proactive approach to maintaining application availability and performance. Through continuous health checks, the service monitors the status of your application endpoints in real time. These checks are comprehensive, ensuring that any issues are quickly identified. Should an endpoint become unhealthy, Global Accelerator doesn’t just notify you of the problem—it takes immediate action. Automatically rerouting traffic to the nearest healthy endpoint ensures your application remains accessible without manual intervention. This automatic rerouting is a critical component of the service, providing a robust failover mechanism that minimizes downtime and maintains a consistent user experience.

The integration of Anycast IP addresses, optimized path selection, and health checks with automatic rerouting exemplifies AWS Global Accelerator’s commitment to enhancing application performance and reliability. These features work in concert to ensure that, regardless of where your users are in the world, they can access your applications quickly, reliably, and without interruption. This level of performance and reliability is essential for businesses aiming to establish and maintain a global presence, making Global Accelerator an invaluable tool in their technology arsenal.

Key Features of AWS Global Accelerator

AWS Global Accelerator is designed to optimize the performance and availability of your applications on a global scale.

Improved Application Performance

AWS Global Accelerator enhances application performance by leveraging the AWS global network, which is optimized for speed and reliability. This network reduces the number of hops data must take to travel between your users and your application, significantly lowering latency and improving overall performance. The service dynamically routes user traffic to the most efficient path, ensuring that your applications respond quickly, even during peak traffic times.

Enhanced Availability

The availability of your applications is crucial, especially for services requiring high uptime and reliability. AWS Global Accelerator enhances application availability by automatically rerouting traffic to healthy endpoints. This capability is particularly beneficial in scenarios where endpoints may become unavailable due to failures or maintenance activities. By ensuring that user traffic is always directed to the best possible endpoint, Global Accelerator minimizes downtime and maintains a seamless user experience.

Simplified Traffic Management

Managing traffic across multiple AWS Regions can be complex, involving intricate IP address and DNS record management. AWS Global Accelerator simplifies this process by providing a single, consistent entry point for your applications. This unified approach reduces the administrative burden associated with traffic management, allowing you to focus on optimizing your application’s performance and user experience. The service’s ability to manage traffic effectively across regions ensures that your applications are accessible and performant, regardless of where your users are located.

DDoS Protection

In today’s digital landscape, the threat of Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks is ever-present. AWS Global Accelerator integrates seamlessly with AWS Shield Standard, offering robust protection against such attacks. This integration ensures that your applications remain accessible and performant, even in the face of attempted disruptions. The service’s DDoS protection capabilities are designed to detect and mitigate attacks swiftly, safeguarding your applications from unwanted traffic and potential threats.

Client Affinity

AWS Global Accelerator supports client affinity, a feature that allows you to direct all requests from a user to the same endpoint, which is essential for stateful applications. This capability ensures a consistent user experience by maintaining session continuity, even as traffic is rerouted due to endpoint health changes or other factors.

Global Reach and Fault Isolation

The service extends your application’s reach to a global audience with minimal latency by leveraging the AWS global network, which spans multiple geographical regions and AWS edge locations. Additionally, AWS Global Accelerator is designed with fault isolation in mind, ensuring that issues in one region do not impact the overall availability and performance of your application.

Seamless Integration

AWS Global Accelerator integrates with other AWS services, such as Elastic Load Balancing (ELB), Amazon EC2, and Amazon S3, providing a seamless and efficient way to improve your application’s performance and availability. This integration allows for easy setup and management, enabling you to leverage the full power of the AWS ecosystem to enhance your application’s global reach.

By combining these features, AWS Global Accelerator offers a powerful solution for businesses looking to improve their application’s performance, availability, and security on a global scale. Whether you’re serving users across different continents or ensuring your application withstands DDoS attacks, Global Accelerator provides the tools and capabilities needed to achieve your objectives.

Benefits of Using AWS Global Accelerator

AWS Global Accelerator offers a multitude of benefits designed to enhance the performance, reliability, and security of applications on a global scale.

Accelerated Global Performance

AWS Global Accelerator improves application performance for users worldwide by leveraging the AWS global network. This network is optimized for high-speed data transfer, ensuring that user requests are routed through the most efficient paths. The result is reduced latency and packet loss, leading to faster load times and a smoother user experience.

Increased Application Availability

The service enhances the availability of your applications by automatically rerouting traffic to healthy endpoints. This capability is crucial for maintaining uptime and ensuring users have consistent access to your services, even in the event of endpoint failures or regional disruptions.

Simplified Traffic Management

AWS Global Accelerator simplifies the management of application traffic across multiple AWS Regions. By providing a single entry point for your applications, it eliminates the complexity associated with managing multiple IP addresses and DNS records. This streamlined approach allows for easier scaling and management of global applications.

Robust Security Measures

Integrating with AWS Shield Standard, AWS Global Accelerator offers protection against DDoS attacks, safeguarding your applications from malicious traffic and potential threats. This built-in security measure ensures that your applications remain accessible and performant, even under attack.

Consistent Performance Across Regions

AWS Global Accelerator ensures consistent application performance across different geographical regions. By directing user traffic to the nearest optimal endpoint it minimizes latency and improves the overall user experience, regardless of where your users are located.

Easy Integration with AWS Services

The service seamlessly integrates with other AWS services, such as Amazon EC2, Elastic Load Balancing, and Amazon S3. This compatibility allows for a cohesive and efficient setup, enabling you to leverage the full suite of AWS services to enhance your application’s performance and availability.

Cost-Effective Scaling

AWS Global Accelerator enables cost-effective scaling of your applications. By optimizing traffic routing and reducing the need for over-provisioning resources to handle peak loads, you can achieve better performance without incurring unnecessary costs. This efficiency makes it easier to scale your applications as your user base grows and your needs evolve.

Enhanced User Experience

Ultimately, the benefits of AWS Global Accelerator converge to enhance the overall user experience. By improving performance, availability, and security, Global Accelerator ensures that users have fast, reliable access to your applications, contributing to higher satisfaction and engagement.

Incorporating AWS Global Accelerator into your application infrastructure offers a strategic advantage, enabling you to deliver superior service quality to users around the globe. Whether you’re looking to expand your reach, improve performance, or enhance security, Global Accelerator provides the tools and capabilities to achieve your goals.

Pricing Structure

The pricing for AWS Global Accelerator includes a fixed monthly fee for each accelerator plus a variable fee based on the volume of data transferred over the AWS network. This model allows for predictable costs while benefiting from the performance and availability improvements the service offers.

Use Cases for AWS Global Accelerator

AWS Global Accelerator plays a pivotal role in optimizing the performance and reliability of applications for businesses with diverse needs.

Global Audience Reach

In today’s digital age, businesses often cater to a global audience, necessitating a network solution that ensures all users, regardless of their geographical location, have fast and reliable access to applications. AWS Global Accelerator addresses this need by leveraging the AWS global network, which is designed to minimize latency and improve the connection speed. This is particularly beneficial for content delivery, e-commerce platforms, and any service requiring real-time interactions, ensuring that every user from any corner of the world enjoys a seamless experience.

Disaster Recovery

The resilience of an application’s infrastructure is critical, especially in scenarios where downtime can lead to significant losses or diminished user trust. AWS Global Accelerator’s automatic traffic rerouting capabilities are integral to robust disaster recovery strategies. By automatically directing traffic away from unhealthy endpoints to the nearest healthy ones, it ensures that applications remain available, even during unforeseen failures or maintenance events. This capability is crucial for financial services, healthcare applications, and other critical services where continuity is paramount.

Multi-Region Deployments

For businesses that deploy their applications across multiple AWS Regions to enhance availability and reduce latency, managing traffic can become increasingly complex. AWS Global Accelerator simplifies this complexity by providing a single entry point for your applications, thereby streamlining traffic management. This simplification is invaluable for services like online gaming, media streaming, and global SaaS platforms, where performance and user experience are directly tied to the application’s success. By ensuring a consistent, high-performance experience for users worldwide, Global Accelerator helps businesses maintain a competitive edge in the global market.

Mobile Applications

Mobile applications, particularly those requiring real-time data exchange like social media platforms, messaging apps, and mobile gaming, benefit significantly from AWS Global Accelerator. The service’s ability to reduce latency and improve connection stability ensures that mobile app users enjoy faster load times and smoother interactions, contributing to higher engagement and user retention.

IoT Applications

IoT applications, which often rely on the timely delivery of data from devices distributed globally, can leverage AWS Global Accelerator to enhance their performance. By ensuring that data traverses the AWS global network efficiently, the service supports the real-time processing and analysis needs of IoT applications, enabling more responsive and reliable IoT solutions.


For e-commerce platforms, where milliseconds can impact conversion rates, AWS Global Accelerator optimizes the user experience by accelerating page load times and transaction processing. This speed and reliability can significantly enhance customer satisfaction and drive sales, making Global Accelerator a valuable asset for e-commerce businesses aiming for global reach.

Incorporating AWS Global Accelerator into your application’s architecture not only boosts performance and reliability but also offers a strategic advantage in delivering superior service quality. Whether expanding global reach, ensuring disaster recovery, managing multi-region deployments, or enhancing mobile and IoT application performance, Global Accelerator provides a comprehensive solution to meet and exceed user expectations.

Setting Up AWS Global Accelerator

Configuring AWS Global Accelerator involves creating an accelerator, setting up endpoint groups in the desired AWS Regions, and adding endpoints such as Application Load Balancers, Network Load Balancers, EC2 instances, or Elastic IP addresses. This process is designed to be straightforward, allowing you to quickly improve the performance and availability of your applications.

Comparison with Amazon CloudFront

While AWS Global Accelerator and Amazon CloudFront both aim to improve application performance, they serve different purposes. Global Accelerator optimizes routing to application endpoints across multiple regions, while CloudFront is a content delivery network that caches content closer to users to reduce latency.


AWS Global Accelerator is a powerful service for businesses looking to enhance the performance and availability of their applications for a global audience. By leveraging the AWS global network and offering features like static anycast IP addresses and automatic traffic rerouting, Global Accelerator provides a robust solution for improving global application delivery.

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